
Saturday, March 8, 2014

UPD Chem 17 Unknown Analysis Cheat Sheet Template (second sem 2011)

This is a cheat sheet template for those who are about to undergo their unknown analysis tests for Chem 17 lab. This involves the confirmatory tests for cations copper, iron, calcium, zinc, ammonium. For the anion tests, there are indications for carbonate, phosphate, iodide, sulfate, and thiocyanate. Also seen is a sample table that students can do to serve as a checklist for the day itself. 

Confirmatory tests
a.) Copper (II)-- add ammonia with Cu(II) solution and watch out for a blue complex
b.) Iron (III)-- add 2 drops of 1 molar potassium thiocyanate into 5 drops of test solution, and watch out for a blood red iron thiocyanate complex; OR add 2 drops of K4Fe(CN)6 to 5 drops of test solution and watch out for the formation of a deep blue precipitate KFe[Fe(CN)6]

Unknown solution test
-record all pertinent information regarding the unknown solution
-dilute with distilled water
-use 5 drops of uknown solution for each qualitative test to determine which cation(s) and anion(s) are present

Waste Disposal
-inorganic salts-- dilute and dump down the sink
-acids-- put into the inorganic waste container
-Potassium permanganate and all precipitates go to the inorganic waste container

This is the summary table for cations.

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